Latest News


29 Nov 2018

We would like to advise you of Rollease Acmeda’s closing and opening dates during the Christmas and New Year Break as follows:

CLOSING DATE (Last Day of Trade):          21st December 2018

Cut-off date for ALL orders will be 19th December at 5:00pm

RE-OPENING DATE (First day of Trade):   2nd January 2019.

Please ensure these dates are conveyed to all concerned in your company.  Should you have any special requirements during this period, we ask that you speak with the relevant account manager and/or customer service to best assess how we may be able to assist.

All of us at Rollease Acmeda would like to thank you sincerely for your valued custom and support throughout this past year.

We would also like to extend to you and your families the warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and hope that you have a safe and enjoyable festive season and a prosperous New Year.