Rollease Acmeda's latest catalogue update features new additions to all categories along with a variety of product changes, including pack sizes and colour ranges.
For your convenience, the contents page of the overall catalogue is hyperlinked, for quick and easy navigation. Our next full release is scheduled for July 2025, at which time new hard copies will be circulated.
Hardware Updates:
- A dedicated Double Brackets page has been created in the System Upgrades section for easier ordering.
- A D30 Bottom Rail Handle has been added to Easy Spring Air.
- Internal Pull Stick now available in inner packs of 10.
- A new Aluminium Wand is now available for Verticals
- FRS100 & FRS120 in Sandstone is now set to runout.
Discontinued & Removed:
- Easy Spring Ultra, Easy Spring Wand, and Aero Single & Dual systems
- RB10 Light Springs (LH & RH)
- 275cm Plastic Chain Loops
- CF75 & P95 are no longer available in Sandstone.
- CF90 Bottom Up
External Rollers Updates:
- Box 160 has been added to the Zipscreen offering.
- Box 190 extrusion colours are now set to runout.
- The 78mm Aluminium Tube is now available in outer packs only.
- Introduced the Zipscreen Inner Rail Alignment Tool.
- New additions have been made to the Optional Accessories page.
- Box 160 Headbox Sample (300mm) now available
- Zipscreen F56 End Caps are no longer available in Classic Cream or Paperbark.
Automate Updates:
- Push PRO added to the controller range
- The Quiet Zero Li-ion battery motors are now available
- Pack sizes have been refined in line with recent packaging updates
- A 5V Battery Pack has been added to the DCRF section.
- DCRF Extension Cable now available in External Battery Motor section
If would you would like a catalogue with pricing information, please register for members only access or log in to our website.