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Product Line Packaging Updates

20 Sep 2024

As part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing safety, efficiency, and operational excellence, we are implementing a series of packaging updates across the Automate product line. These updates have been carefully designed to improve safety during handling, both in our distribution centres and yours, while streamlining overall operational processes. 

This webpage offers an overview of the changes, listing all affected products and pack changes. Please note, existing stock will be utilised until fully depleted to ensure a seamless transition. 

Part No. Description Old Outer Pack New Outer Pack
CU21-0401-062015 S-Fold Connected Runner Row | 30m / 500 pcs 10 3
MT01-1135-069001 AUTOMATE | E6 6Nm Motor [Ø35/240V/33rpm] REV 12 8
MTDCBRF35-3 AUTOMATE | Li-ion 3.0Nm Motor [Ø35/12V/28rpm] 12 8
MT03-0304-069019 UNIVERSAL in-line tail 2.5m REV 50 45
MT01-1145-069015 AUTOMATE | AX50 50Nm Motor AU [Ø45/240V/12rpm] 10 8
MT01-1145-050012 AUTOMATE | FT 15Nm Motor LC [Ø45/240V/15rpm] 10 8
MT01-1145-050001 AUTOMATE | FT 15Nm Motor [Ø45/240V/15rpm] 10 8
CU21-0401-050001 Runners 300 500

  • Product Change
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